Instructions for replacing capacitors for motherboards

Temporary introduction about capacitors : Capacitors are digital parts used to filter sources, filter noise, for oscillator circuits. On the mainboard, there are 2 varieties of non-polar ceramic capacitors and polarized capacitors. Capacitors on the mainboard are sometimes used to filter noise, utilized in oscillator circuits. Generally used capacitors for cpu vcore circuit, chipset circuit, ram supply circuit. That is the principle gigabyte picture of the condenser ram supply circuit, killing the ram supply ic (8 pins ic).

mainboard bi phu tu
Nhận biết tụ bị phù trên mainboard

The capacitor is dry or edematous, inflicting the machine to flicker at instances when it’s not, the machine is suspended and it’s turned off. Or not even up lifeless ic. Changing the capacitor for the mainboard wants to concentrate to the next 3 parameters:

+ Optimistic and detrimental poles. Must mount in the precise path to keep away from exploding capacitors or lifeless energy ICs.

+ Capacitance of a capacitor is the capability that the capacitor can maintain, which could be changed with the next capacitance kind. The image on the mainboard is μF (Micro fara)

+ The upper the face up to voltage of the capacitor, it is not going to be punctured, if the capacitor is changed with a low voltage, the voltage   will puncture the capacitor.

On the mainboard, there are normally 6.3v capacitors with 820μF capacitance, 6.3v capacitance 1000μF, 6.3v capacitance 1500μF, 16v capacitance 1500μF kind 16v mounted within the 12v circuit of the vcore supply. The remainder of the sources from 3.3v to 1.2v, connect a 6.3v . capacitor

Directions for changing capacitors for mainboard. If the capacitor on the mainboard is  6.3v with a capacitance of 820μF  , it may be changed with a capacitor of  6.3v with a capacitance of 1000μF, 1500μF or possibly larger, so long as it may be connected to the principle board. However don’t change decrease, if the voltage is decrease than that, the capacitor will burn, if the capacitance is low, the machine will run erratically.

To switch the mainboard capacitor, you need to use a big soldering iron, with a capability of about 65w, if potential, purchase a DC welder of about 300K as an alternative of quick. The brothers put turpentine and a big lead on the swollen capacitor leg to take away it.

Cách tháo tụ khỏi mainboard
Tháo tụ ra khỏi mainboard

Take note of put lots of lead and turpentine will take it out shortly and keep away from scratching, or breaking the circuit on the principle, the soldering iron should not solder plastic, solder plastic makes the soldering iron not solder anymore. Capacitors after eradicating from the mainboard are like the image under.

thay tu cho mainboard the nao
Tụ sau khi tháo khỏi mainboard, nhớ xem kỹ cực âm và dương

On the mainboard, there’s normally a white and colorless coloration to tell apart the pole – and +, the principle is white + and the principle white is -. On the capacitor, the white aspect is the pole -. As the image above is predominant asus white aspect is pole +. On the capacitor, the white aspect is detrimental. Please take note of the principle and capacitor polarity as an alternative.

Connect the capacitor in addition to when eradicating it, after changing the capacitor, clear it with fragrant gasoline and verify the machine once more. If the illness is delicate, after changing, the machine has run stably, whether it is extreme, the IC circuit will die, you proceed to interchange the IC.

Wishing you success.

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3 thoughts on “Instructions for replacing capacitors for motherboards

  1. Điện áp chịu đựng của tụ, càng cao thì chịu được dòng điện cao đi qua –> là SAI. Mỗi vật liệu trong kỹ thuật điện đều chịu được 1 điện áp tối đa đó là điện áp đánh thủng –> không liên quan gì đến dòng điện!

    Nếu thay tụ có điện áp thấp, dòng điện sẽ đâm thủng tụ điện.
    –> chính điện áp sẽ đánh thủng tụ điện chứ không phải dòng điện.

    Vài lời góp ý!!

  2. Thiếu rồi bạn ơi, trong mạch dao động vrm của mainboard khi thay tụ phải chính xác hoặc sai số 5-10% chỉ số điện dung (uf) của tụ gốc , nếu thay quá chênh lệch thì mạch sẽ ko chạy.
    Vd : tụ gốc 16v 270uf thay bằng tụ 16v 1000uf sẽ ko chạy do nạp xả quá chậm khiến cpu và ic dao động ko liên lạc dc với nhau.
    Tụ 6.3v 560uf thay bằng 6.3v 1500uf cũng tương tự như trên.
    Ngoài các tụ trong mạch dao động vrm trên, các vị trí khác trên main đều có thể thay thế tụ mà ko cần quan tâm chính xác chỉ số điện dung gốc.

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