Motherboard does not recognize USB

When plugging the USB into the pc and never seeing the usb present up, the very first thing that you must do is overview the driving force for the motherboard’s chipset, reinstall home windows, on this article I information you on the {hardware} vary so it’s best to ignore these errors.

Indicators when plugging usb into the pc don’t acknowledge, plugging in usb crashes, getting into Bios or dos additionally doesn’t acknowledge usb. Then the motherboard is defective. To repair the error that the mainboard doesn’t acknowledge the USB, that you must observe the steps from straightforward to troublesome.

+ Step 1: Clear the USB slot rigorously, plug it into one other USB port to see whether it is acquired.

+ Step 2: Take away the CMOS battery   on the mainboard to clear cmos or go to cmos and click on   load default cmos in order that the settings in cmos return to the unique defaults.

+Step 3:  Often do the above 2 steps for good outcomes, however hardly ever do away with the illness, however you additionally need to do the simple factor first to rule out extra illness. You proceed to measure whether or not the USB pin has 5V enter, by flipping the again of the mainboard onto the usb pin with 4 pins: VCC pins (5v energy provide) knowledge – , knowledge + and mass (GND) pins. 2 knowledge pins are within the center, the remaining 2 pins on both aspect are vcc pins and mass pins, to find out the mass foot, you proceed to measure the continuity by adjusting the ohm meter to the X1 scale.

Put 1 stick on the usb pin and 1 stick on the mass (LAN port, screw, screw areas) if the clock needle goes to 0 , it is the bottom pin. The opposite pin is the VCC pin. To measure whether or not the USB VCC port has 5v by adjusting the meter to the 12v DC scale, the black rod plugs into the mass, the crimson rod plugs into the VCC port if there’s 5V, the usb has voltage, if not, proceed to exchange the resistor. 0 ohms (fuse) situated close by. Establish the fuse by tracing the continuity from the output VCC port.

so do khoi chan usb
Sơ đồ chân USB

+ Step 4: If  measured that there’s 5v for USB, this step must recharge the bios for the mainboard. Loading bios requires a loader, or can replace bios in home windows or DOS if that mainboard helps it.

+ Step 5: The USB port is managed by the male chipset, the info + and – pins undergo the filter capacitor and go straight to the male chip. If there’s a diagram of the mainboard, detect and take away the capacitors to remove (however hardly ever encountered). Now you proceed to steam the male chip’s legs (shake the legs once more). Re-steam the male chip foot with an infrared mild if there is no such thing as a chip-closing machine. I’ve instructed on this article: Change male chip with infrared lamp, please refer. After re-steaming the male chip doesn’t work, begin changing the male chip. It is a image of the male chip that has been faraway from the mainboard and the brand new male chip that has been pinned and hooked up to the mainboard.

may khong nhan usb do loi chip nam
Làm chân và thay chip nam

It’s best to listen when changing the male chip, it’s best to take away the battery, the capacitor close to the male chip, take away the northern chip heatsink, open the cpu socket cowl (keep away from making the male chip open the socket foot). After changing the male chip, let it cool and clear it with aromatic gasoline and have acquired the USB.

usb khong nhan
Mainboard đã nhận USB sau khi thay chip nam

Conclusion: Often repair the mainboard doesn’t acknowledge the usb, I solely verify 2 of them. That’s to measure the voltage provided to the usb, if not, substitute the 0 ohm resistor. If sure, then I proceed to exchange the male chip and it was profitable. Often 10 items, 9 have to exchange the male chip, however re-steaming the foot, loading the bios or eradicating the filter capacitor doesn’t work. However newbies ought to rigorously observe every of the above steps to keep away from catching the unsuitable illness and giving start to further pan if finished incorrectly. Wishing you success.

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4 thoughts on “Motherboard does not recognize USB

  1. Em cắm chuột với bàn phím vào mà vẫn sáng đèn bình thường mà nó ko nhận, ko di , không làm gì được với chuột thì do lỗi gì ạ. và làm thế nào để sửa ạ ?

  2. dạ máy em mainboard là Wistron Corporation. Em đã làm như trên, nhưng không được. lại còn máy bị hỏng nữa. dạ cho em hỏi là mainboard Wistron Corporation có thể boot usb ko ạ?

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